Immediate Trade

Cover Image for Schwager


Jack Schwager reflects on the impact of his interviews with successful traders, particularly those featured in his Market Wizard series. Schwager shares that some of the best traders he’s ever met were part of this project including Michael Marcus, Bruce Kovner, Stan Druckenmiller, and one trader who turned $5,000 into $50 million and later $250 […]

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Greg P

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Cover Image for Biden Steps Aside via Twitter

Biden Steps Aside via Twitter

Joe drops out of the race. Can Kamala Harris take over Biden’s $96 million war chest? Expect a fight.

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Greg P
Cover Image for Assassination Attempt

Assassination Attempt

Greg P
Greg P
Cover Image for Allen Stanford

Allen Stanford

I didn’t know the story of Allen Stanford before seeing this video. He created a Ponzi scheme worth over $5 billion and ended up with a 110year prison sentence. Despite his public image as a trustworthy banker, Stanford’s life was built on lies, starting with his humble beginnings in Texas. He went on to live a […]

Greg P
Greg P
Cover Image for 39% After Fees…

39% After Fees…

Greg P
Greg P
Cover Image for Langone on Life

Langone on Life

Ken Langone, the founder of Home Depot and a successful investor, is celebrated for his exceptional leadership. Langone helped build Home Depot over 40 years ago and is now the largest shareholder in companies like Eli Lily. He became a shareholder in Eli Lily in 1977 when they bought his small medical device company, IVAC […]

Greg P
Greg P
Cover Image for Thiel


Peter Thiel, a renowned Silicon Valley investor known for co-founding PayPal and Facebook, and backing companies like SpaceX and Stripe. Thiel emphasizes the importance of Founders and their unique visions, contrasting the 1990s Silicon Valley trend of replacing Founders with professional CEOs. He discusses his book “Zero to One,” which highlights the significance of creating something new […]

Greg P
Greg P
Cover Image for NVIDIA Millionaires

NVIDIA Millionaires

Greg P
Greg P
Cover Image for Who’s Ready to Trade All Night?

Who’s Ready to Trade All Night?

The NYSE is conducting a survey to gauge demand for overnight trading and is considering the necessary infrastructure changes. Robin Hood, Interactive Brokers, and other platforms already offer after-hours trading, with significant growth in overnight transactions. However, challenges such as central clearing and settlement, market manipulation, and resistance from market participants remain. The opening bell ceremony […]

Greg P
Greg P
Cover Image for Supercomputer Wars: Tesla vs. Nvidia

Supercomputer Wars: Tesla vs. Nvidia

Tesla’s supercomputer project, Dojo, is a powerful and bespoke hardware platform designed by Tesla’s AI division for training computer vision and full self-driving networks. Dojo uses a system on a chip called the Dojo chip, which integrates 25 chips to create one unified system. Tesla is also using wafer scale processing to create large, single-chip supercomputers, […]

Greg P
Greg P
Cover Image for Up, we win.  Down, you lose…

Up, we win. Down, you lose…

Lehman Brothers, a prosperous investment bank founded in 1850, was at the height of its success in 2006 with revenues totaling $19 billion and over 25,000 employees. However, the bank’s aggressive expansion and risky lending practices, particularly in the housing market, led to the financial crisis of 2008.  When Bear Stearns became the first victim […]

Greg P
Greg P
Cover Image for Trading Cities…

Trading Cities…

Greg P
Greg P
Cover Image for Never Say Never

Never Say Never

Cliff Asness, founder of AQR Capital Management, discusses his views on market efficiency. Asness recalls his experience in Eugene Fama’s efficient market theory class, where he learned that markets are not perfectly efficient, causing a gasp among students. He explains that while markets are more efficient than he believes, perfect efficiency is an unrealistic concept. […]

Greg P
Greg P
Cover Image for Market Concentration

Market Concentration

(from 2 years ago) (from this week) While this topic makes for great clickbait it’s just another variation of the “this time is different” argument. Concentration is not new or different. Vilfredo Pareto noted this a long time ago. Right or wrong….If an index is “too concentrated” how about we just keep cash on […]

Greg P
Greg P
Cover Image for With Flying Colors…

With Flying Colors…

The spectacular results of the Federal Reserve’s stress tests on the eight largest banks. Every single one of the top 31 banks passed the tests despite holding more consumer credit card loans and corporate debt, with elevated delinquency rates and retail giants reporting that consumers are tapped out. The Fed also performed an exploratory analysis […]

Greg P
Greg P
Cover Image for Artificial Intelligence Bubble

Artificial Intelligence Bubble

An opinion from a sleazy but credible market participant. Shkreli draws parallels between the dotcom bubble of the late 1990s and the current hype surrounding artificial intelligence (AI). He believes that the potential valuations of AI companies may lead to a bubble, but the long-term value may come from companies that emerge after the bubble bursts. Shkreli […]

Greg P
Greg P
Cover Image for How Google Makes Money

How Google Makes Money

Aravind Srinivas and Lex Fridman, they explain that Google earns revenue primarily through search advertising on Google AdWords. Google’s search engine, with its high daily traffic, serves as the largest real estate on the internet for advertisers to bid for keywords related to their businesses. When users click on these ads, Google charges the advertisers, with […]

Greg P
Greg P
Cover Image for BTC as Money?

BTC as Money?

Michael Saylor makes the case that Bitcoin should not be considered a currency due to its lack of legal tender status. He explains that using Bitcoin as a currency would result in added costs and complex accounting transactions due to its taxable status. Saylor also highlights that currencies are regulated by nation-states, and the advantages […]

Greg P
Greg P

Debt or Defense….

Greg P
Greg P
Cover Image for The Favorite Location of the .01%

The Favorite Location of the .01%

“Why Wyoming is so Weirdly Wealthy,” Wendover Productions explores the paradox of Wyoming’s unattractive living conditions and limited resources yet having a high concentration of billionaires, particularly in Teton County. The area, which has transformed from a remote ranching town into a vacation destination, attracts wealthy individuals due to scenic landscapes and tax benefits. However, […]

Greg P
Greg P